I love baseball!! This year has been exciting for those of us that have been following the D-Backs. We are heading into the last week in baseball with a great chance at the playoff. This year has been fun for me because this team has so many great players, but no real big names. Everyone has contributed and then no ones ego gets to big. Lets all jump on the bandwagon and cheer them on this last week and hopefully into October!!!

They are exciting this year, aren't they? We've been to several games with Jordan's boss' season tickets. So we also got to see them in great seats! It has been fun. Hopefully they do great in the playoffs too.
I still LOVE LOVE the DBacks...miss those games like crazy!
Hey- I saw Tatum today, she told me Doreen DIED...did you know that? Are you soooo busy? I heard about all the new offices.
P.S. Diamondbacks are rockin' the Cubs out here right now!! I still like the Cubbies, but my heart is still with Arizona1
OK Tawna, time to update your blog!!
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