Thursday, July 26, 2007

7 Random Things

I was tagged by Tamara for 7 random thoughts about me. I haven’t been ignoring it I just personally think that I am boring and it took me a while to come up with all seven. So finally after what I am sure is much anticipation here is what I have come up with:

1. I am 100% addicted to TV. I have shows every night. I cannot miss an episode of anything that I am addicted too. I tried a while ago to not pick up any new shows thinking that eventually they would go off the air and then my addiction would be over. Let’s just say that didn’t work out so well. They say that admitting that you have a problem is the first step so maybe now I am on my way to recovery.
2. I LOVE TO TRAVEL!! I always have to have some sort of trip planned. It might not be very far but I usually have plans to be going somewhere. I love seeing new places and also visiting places with history. My big trip so far this year was to Puerto Valletta, Mexico. Some of my favorite places that I have visited are: London, Boston, Paris, Rome, Switzerland, Hawaii, Venice, and New York City. Next, I really want to go on a cruise and visit Washington D. C. My biggest dream come true would to be to go to Australia.
3. I HAVE to know how things end. It doesn’t matter if I am reading a book or watching a movie or TV or whatever has an ending. It drives me absolutely crazy to not know what will happen. I will stay up until all hours of the night when I start a new book.
4. I don’t like to shop. I don’t enjoy the mall at all. I don’t like to browse through stores. I don’t like to go shopping with other people if I don’t have a reason to be going. I especially hate going when I know that I can’t buy anything. Maybe this will change if I all of the sudden become rich but I truly doubt it.
5. I LOVE sports. I will pretty much watch any sport on TV. I have a “team” for almost everything. I become quite obsessed and usually can’t miss a game. I love watching sport center. In fact one of the main reasons that I have cable is for ESPN and FSNaz. I love the summer and winter Olympics. And yes I cry during all of the stories. The one sport that I really don’t like is tennis. I just don’t get at all. Maybe someone needs to explain it to me and then I can be obsessed with that too.
6. I always call my parent on the way home from work. This is really weird because I’m not really one to talk on the phone when I drive. I enjoy the radio or listening to my ipod but as soon as I pull out of my work parking lot I have to call my parents.
7. I love to bake desserts (and eat them). I am pretty sure that I get this from my mom. She is a great cook. I really like trying new recipes. My work is usually who benefits from this.
Well that was a lot harder then I thought it would be. Sorry I took so long Tamara!


Mauzy Fam said...

Great list Tawna!! I loved it - a lot of it I already knew about you and I love that too. I think the TV addiction thing happens in most households - I wouldn't worry too much.

Mauzy Fam said...

By the way - Australia is #1 on my list of places to visit too. Maybe we can go together (when we get rich and start shopping). I'm not a big shopper either.

xx said...

hi tawna. it is tatum....just wanted to say hello and I hope things are going well for you. I will have to come in and say hello soon. tell red mtn.hello for me

Karen said...

Hey Tawna, I saw your blog on Rachelle' are you? Sounds like you've been having lots of fun traveling! Glad you are doing well :) Karen (Player) Matsen

Chelsea Bevans said...

Hey Tawna- it's Chelsea. It was fun to read your blog. Sounds like you're doing good. Thanks for training my mom, I know she can learn alot from you. Please be nice to her. She's my mom and I know you will love her when you really get to know her!

Matt and Megan said...

TAWNA JO!!! Is this my TAWNA JO!! Its Megan! Your favorite back office gal!! How are ya girl? You have to go to my blog! I miss ya girl!!

Brittney said...

Hey Tawna I just found your blog on megan's. this is Brittney your long lost hairstylist. How are you doing? YOu sound like you are doing great. Check out my blog just go to Megan's and then click on Dusty and Brittney. I would love to hear from you.