Friday, July 13, 2007

Tale of Two Shoes

If you look closely you can see that these are two different shoes. Yes they are similar but they are different. Well one day I was at work and I reached down to grab my shoes. I stopped for a minute but then I realized that I had two different shoes on. I sat up and said this a little confused with myself "I have two different shoes on." One of my co-workers was pretty close to me and heard me say that and then the laughing started. I never knew that so many people would laugh so hard at me. I think the funniest thing about the story is that it was Wednesday and I know for sure that I had worn the same two mismatch shoes on Monday and Tuesday. Wow I really need some help in the morning!!!


Mauzy Fam said...

Hilarious! That is so funny Tawna and they look so much alike that I'm sure no one else even noticed! That blanket is so freakin' cute! I want you to make me one when I have a girl. I love it! You are so talented with all this cool stuff you're making! I really love that you're blogging now because I can see what you're up to.
Love ya,

The Holyoaks said...
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Jen & Blake said...

I love it! I think that half of the world can relate to doing this! I actually put on the worng color flip flops the other night when we were running out the door(rown instead of black). It took a while for anyone to notice, and thank goodness we were just at my inlaws:)
I also LOVE the blanket! Too cute:) I am going to attempt to make Camden another blanket just incase something happens to his beloved current blanket:)

Anonymous said...
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Jessica said...

tawna that's hillarious! You are too funny- I miss you! annabelle loves her blankets by the way

Anonymous said...

Thats the funniest thing I ever heard! My husband did that once leaving my sisters. He grabbed one of his and one of my brother in-laws flip flops. He wore the two different ones all week in class until my sister finally let us know!